Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My bum is buoy-licious!

Hello all,
so, I seriously stink at this blogging about my jello like body, but oh well. I will blog occasionally, but rest assured (since I know this fact has been keeping all my half dozen readers awake o'nights) I HAVE indeed been working out! There ain't nothing like consistency, which is why I have been doing the exact same two workouts for two weeks! But, until I get lost on the huge empty plain known as PLATEAU, I am going to stick with what I do. I wonder if when you plateau do you still sweat? And if so, and you aren't losing weight, what exactly are you burning? Brain cells? Reserves of urine? Hmm....I will have to look into that. ANYWAYS.
A few more reasons I love the pool.
It makes you really skinny. Seriously, you're swimming, you reach down and feel a flat stomach! And...could it be possible....RIBS! Hello ribs! I didn't know you were still around! And there are, gasp, 24 of you! Holy moly! I thought I had four! And this may not be true for all of you, but out of the pool I generally have a pretty sad little butt. Its not fatless, its just flat. Its flatty. I don't fill out a single pair of pants. My denim bootie looks like a deflated balloon. Poor girl. BUT, or should I say BUTT, when I am in the pool, it gets dang freaking bootie-licious! Or rather, BUOY-licious! I have a buoy-licious bum in the pool! Heck yeah! I stand in the shallow end, and indulge in a little shake a shake, and before you know it, I am having quite the rump romp! I sometimes get a little carried away romping my rump, and its not unusual to look up and see people staring at me strangely as I stand there holding my arms in the air and gyrating my sweet, aqua inflated bum in gleeful circles. Then I turn red and start doing my retarded breastroke again (but counting my newly discovered rib cage to console my embarrassed self).
Ok, so despite my crazy workouts I have been doing, my weight is still stuck at 171. This morning I got up and it was 169.9! But then I put all my clothes on and let go of the shower bar I was coincidentally, and irrelevantly holding while weighing myself (That only takes off a pound? Dang!) So, that's ok. I will be the most heart healthy fat woman out there. It has been suggested (and IMMEDIATELY denied) that my afternoon love of cookies may have something to do with this problem. Hmmm, bad nutrition cancelling out lots of THERE'S a novel idea....I will have to ponder on that while I eat this cookie here.
Anyways, so that's all for now. YES I have been exercising, NO I have not been pigging out, YES I have been indulging in the occasionally frequent cookie, NO my weight has not gone down from 171! Life is still good. : )
Incidentally, it is raining cats and dogs, but me-OW I am still going to the gym! Until I am dog tired! Can I get a Woof woof?!!
Ciao for now!


Julie said...

*LOL* You kill me! Woof woof!!! Hey I would gladly give you some of my bootie!!! Baby got back..yup that song was written about me! ;-P

Stiber Family said...

I just have to say, reading your blogs always put a smile on my face. You are a great blogger. Keep it up. And I give you two big thumbs up for sticking to it. I wish I had your determination when it came to weight loss. Love ya Melanie!

Elena said...

Woo Hoo!!! Hats off for the Dawg. Keep going and keep the rest of us motivated. I will be following in your footsteps in 3 months after I have this baby.

it's not like i ate it said...

Keep the blogs coming! Hope your exercise exploits have been thrilling are hilarious! I love you!

The Joos parents and their Jooslings said...

I love swimming it's the best exercise too bad I'm not part of a gym and it's been raining like crazy out here so I can't use my friends pool. Also have u ever noticed that ALL exercise swimsuits are made for already size 6 super exercising people. Keep up the the good work oh yeah and had some pics so we can see the reults of all your hard work. What's the point of an exercise blog if your not showing off